Camping Village Isola Verde


Animation, entertainment, events... but also comfort, relaxation, ample green spaces and specific services for your holiday.

In our campsite and village, where you can discover all the comforts and services that we have designed to make your holiday unforgettable >. The comfort and satisfaction of our guests come first, which is why we offer a wide range of services and equipment to suit every your requirement. Sports lovers will be able to feel at home, alternating between a dip in the pool, a run in our park or a challenge on our fields tennis, soccer and much more. Our structure is also designed for “pet lovers” so your 4-legged friend will always be welcome here with us! Inside the Camping Village there is a well-stocked minimarket, where you can find all the basic necessities, as well as a coin-operated laundry to make your holiday easier.
Carefree departure

Our services

Charging station

Charge your electric car at our charging stations

Dogs Area

We accept animals of all sizes, they are always welcome with us

Marked routes

By bike or on foot you can take advantage of marked trails surrounded by nature


Everything you need directly inside the campsite


Equipped children's play area

Restaurant Bar and Pizzeria

Taste the best local dishes and wines in our restaurant or enjoy a cocktail or breakfast in our bar


Fun for everyone, young and old

Swimming pool

Swimming pool, aperitifs, happy hour and also aqua-gym, pilates and aqua-zumba

Sports and Fitness Camps

Does your craving for sports come on vacation with you? Unleash it in our facility

Bike rental

Explore the Camping by bike

We are committed to providing you with the best services while respecting the environment and our host territory

Ideal for families who love nature, the Isola Verde camping village takes on a profound meaning that goes beyond the simple experience of a stay camping, to turn out to be a fascinating and pleasant holiday in a glamorous atmosphere designed for open air enthusiasts.

120 hectares of pine forest dedicated to your well-being, you will find a true oasis of relaxation perfectly integrated into the ecosystem. The lodgings are houses open to the natural space, dedicated to those who support an innovative concept of development and sustainable tourism.

In the silent peace of the pine forest you can listen to the sounds of nature, feel the light breeze in the trees and let yourself be lulled into absolute relaxation. If you have always dreamed of camping in an innovative and elegant way, we are waiting for you at the Isola Verde camping village.

Swimming pool

Dive into our swimming pool! A true blue oasis surrounded by the greenery of our splendid and immense park


Enjoy our evening shows for the whole family and beyond. Fun is guaranteed here!

Mini club

The mini club team takes care of the little ones throughout the day with safe and fun games


Children find a well-equipped playground, an area just for them and plenty of room to play

Restaurant and Pizzeria

Here you will find a restaurant, a diner and two bars waiting for you. Don't miss the delicious pizza from the bakery

Dog park

A dog area equipped with games, drinking fountain, bowl and waste bin - relaxation for all!

Electric collonins

You can use our service (on a pay-as-you-go basis) to fill up your car safely and quickly


Our mini market offers a varied and delicious selection of the best traditional Italian ingredients

Bike hire

If you didn't bring your own bikes, no problem, you can rent them from us. We have some for all ages!

Marked routes

Routes of varying difficulty for running, cycling or relaxing long walks

Sports fields

You will find different solutions for your favourite sports activities and tournaments of all kinds for all ages

Padel courts

Two state-of-the-art padel courts (extra charge) that will keep you entertained throughout your stay

Check availability now


Are you ready to go?
We are waiting for you to experience a unique and unforgettable summer together.

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    • Prima rata: al momento dell’acquisto
    • Seconda rata: 1 mese dal giorno dell’acquisto
    • Terza e ultima rata: 2 mesi dal giorno dell’acquisto.

Scalapay ti informerà qualche giorno prima della scadenza di ogni rata via SMS e email.

  1. In caso di reso il piano di pagamento verrà cancellato e verrai rimborsato dell’importo relativo alle rate già pagate.
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    • Pagamento effettuato entro la data di scadenza = nessun costo aggiuntivo!
    • Pagamento effettuato con oltre 1 giorno di ritardo = fino a 6 euro di costi aggiuntivi
    • Pagamento effettuato con oltre 1 settimana di ritardo = ulteriori 6 euro (in aggiunta alla prima commissione, fino ad un massimo di 12 euro per ogni pagamento)

Il costo totale delle commissioni non potrà superare il 15% del valore del prestito (seconda e terza rata).

Visita per tutte le condizioni

  1. Use Scalapay for purchases up to € (insert agreed max spending limit)
  2. Choose Scalapay at checkout
  3. Create an account in minutes. Scalapay accepts all major credit, debit and prepaid cards from the VISA, MASTERCARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS circuits.
  4. You will be charged the first installment on your card at the time of purchase. The next 2 installments will be charged to you monthly.

    • First installment: at the time of purchase
    • Second installment: 1 month from the day of purchase
    • Third and last installment: 2 months from the day of purchase.

Scalapay will inform you a few days before the due date of each installment via SMS and email.

  1. In case of return the payment plan will be cancelled and you will be refunded the amount related to the installments already paid.
  2. You must be 18 years of age
  3. If the automatic installment payment fails, you will have 24 hours to complete the payment directly from your Scalapay account
  4. If this does not happen, Scalapay will charge late payment fees as explained below:
    • Payment made by the due date = no additional fees!
    • Payment made more than 1 day late = up to €6 additional cost
    • Payment made more than 1 week late = an additional €6 (in addition to the first fee, up to a maximum of €12 per payment)

The total cost of fees will not exceed 15% of the loan value (second and third installment).

Visit for all conditions